Community Wellness Day!

WCE is h ostiing Grandparents/Special Person's Day and Book Fair!
Grandparents/Special Person's Day will be held on Friday, Oct. 18! Please contact your special student/child to attend Grandparents/Special Person's Day!
Book Fair will continue throughout the remainder of this week! Studnets will be allowed to attend book fair throughout the remainder of this week!
Please contact the school at 812-338-2916 with any questions.

Good evening WCE Families! Tomorrow, Friday, Oct. 4 is an eLearning Day. Students must complete their assignments and return to school no later than Wednesday, Oct. 16. It your student does not complete the assignment, the student will be marked absent.

Good evening WCE Families!
Our PBIS Reward Trip is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 2. Permission slips have been sent home and must be returned no later than tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 1. As a reminder, those students who did NOT had any office referrals are eligible to participate. Please contact the school at 812-338-2916 with any questions.

Just a friendly reminder...
Tomorrow, Wednesday Sept. 11 is Picture Day!

Good evening WCE Families!
Just a friendly reminder...
The Sanders Processing Meat fundraiser is due on Friday, Aug. 16. All orders and money should be turned in on or before Friday.
Thanks so much for supporting WCE and our Team Peace program.

Good evening WCE Families!
We're gearing up for a new year! Here are a few reminders...
WCE meet the teacher night is tomorrow, Thursday, Aug. 1 from 4:30 - 6:00. We hope to see you there!
School officially starts on Friday, Aug. 2 and we're excited to see all the students. :)
Kindergarten students will be on a soft start.
Kindergarten boys will attend on Friday, Aug. 2; Kindergarten girls will attend on Monday, Aug. 5. No Kindergarten students will attend on Tuesday, Aug. 6; and ALL Kindergarten students will attend on Wednesday, Aug. 7.
Please notify WCE Office staff if your student will be a car rider. All students will be sent on the bus home everyday, unless you have called our school office to let them know your students' arrangements.
Grades 3 - 5, If you have not already done so, please send in your students payment for their $3.00 planner fee.
As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office at 812-338-2916. We're looking forward to a great year!

West Crawford Elementary School is seeking class or student sponsorship to make the upcoming school year an exceptional experience for our students.
WCE will host Team Peace twice weekly throughout the school year to boost academic success and prosocial skills through focused attention practices, emotional awareness, and movement that promotes balance, focus, and calm. Team Peace addresses and educates the whole person—child or adult—by recognizing the vital role of social, emotional, physical, and mental health in thriving in school and society.
If you are interested in sponsoring a child or class, please contact Mrs. Allen at aallen@cccs.k12.in.us or 812-338-2916.

Exciting News! West Crawford's PTO will be purchasing school supplies for students this year! 🤩 Parents will need to purchase Backpacks 🎒 and Tennis Shoes 👟for PE for their student(s). Sending a special "Thank you" to our PTO! Please contact the school with any questions!

A few parents contacted BGC asking about transportation to and from WCE for their summer program this year. BGC has decided to gather interest on the matter before making a final decision. If you are interested in transportation for your student(s) to BGC, please complete the form below:

WCE and BGC are collecting information to determine whether or not to offer a Pre-K program at WCE. If you or if you know someone who has a Pre-K child and are interested in Pre-K at WCE, please complete the following form: https://forms.gle/KDgqRf4UHYpXD8qu5

This week we will begin our ILEARN Assessment. Students in grades 3 - 5 will be testing over the next several weeks: ELA (grades 3-5), Math (grades 3-5), Science (grade 4), and Social Studies (grade 5). The ILEARN assessment is designed to measure your child's proficiency of the Indiana Academic Standards
Below are some tips to help your child(ren) do their best:
*Make sure they go to bed early and get plenty of rest the night before the test.
*Give your child a healthy and filling breakfast before school. Students can eat breakfast at school, too.
*Reassure your child and give them encouragement.
*Follow a normal routine in the morning, it will help keep your child relaxed.
We don't want students to stress...we want them to do their best!
Please contact the school at 812-338-2916 with any questions. Thank you!

Good Evening, Families! Tomorrow, Monday, March 4 we will begin our IREAD 3 Assessment; we will be testing throughout the week. The IREAD 3 assessment is designed to measure foundational reading skills based on Indiana Academic Standards through grade three.
Below are some tips to help your child do their best:
*Make sure they go to bed early and get plenty of rest the night before the test.
*Give your child a healthy and filling breakfast before school. Students can eat breakfast at school, too.
*Reassure your child and give them encouragement.
*Follow a normal routine in the morning, it will help keep your child relaxed.
Please contact the school at 812-338-2916 with any questions.
Thank you!

A few Students celebrated PBIS with Donuts 🍩 and Hot Chocolate!😊

Picture Retake Day!

We're Hiring! We are in need of a Title I Aide and a Music Teacher. If interested, please contact the school for more information.

Come to West Crawford on Nov. 28 for our Boys Basketball Tourney, complete our Ready School Survey and receive FREE admission and a $5 voucher for the concession stand!

Come to West Crawford on Nov. 28 for our Boys Basketball Tourney, complete our Ready School Survey and receive a $5 voucher for the concession stand!

Come join us for some family fun!😊
Saturday, Nov. 4 from 4:00-7:00PM.

Congratulations to our 1st Quarter Honor Roll and Most Improved students!🎉