January 27, 2025
Students in grades 2-5 are using Beable to get to know themselves better and increase their literacy. They are connecting their interests to career opportunities while building ...

September 17, 2024
South Crawford Elementary School hosted Grandparents/Special Person Day on Tuesday, September 17, 2024. About 130 guests took part in the event. They had breakfast, a photo opport...

April 18, 2022
Students in the third-grade class at South Crawford Elementary School were recently awarded a Growing Together grant through the Purdue Extension Nutrition Education Program. The...

December 2, 2019
Students in the third through fifth grades recently spent one-half of their day enjoying hands-on activities through Wonderlab. As students rotated from station to station, they ...

November 17, 2019
Mrs. Hammond's kindergarten students have been busy hiding their turkeys so they will not be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner.

October 25, 2019
Mrs. Haney's fourth-grade students recently displayed their storybook pumpkins in the hallway at South Crawford. Students were encouraged to read a book and then transform a pump...

October 8, 2019
Ozobot, a little toy robot, teaches kids about programming. During a recent STEM cart day, students in the fifth grade programmed the robot to follow lines and patterns on paper ...

September 29, 2019
Den assignments were revealed to students and staff at South Crawford Elementary on Friday, August 9th. This school-wide program will help create a sense of belonging and increase...

November 5, 2018
The Leavenworth Volunteer Fire Department visited South Crawford Elementary School to raise fire prevention awareness during the month of October.

October 19, 2018
The staff at South Crawford Elementary School is excited to celebrate stellar student performance again this year. On Friday, October 19th, Jim Grizzel spoke to all students abou...

August 9, 2018
Students were excited to have Margie Edwards, master gardener and retired teacher, deliver monarch caterpillars and chrysalises to their classrooms on Wednesday. Mrs. Edwards raise...